Terms and conditions of use of this website

The information on this website is gathered with a lot of care.

The information is supplied "as is", without any guarantee of correctness, with all reserve.
If you need to get confirmation about the correctness of such information, contact ECBE and select the option 03: "Check correctness of published information"

If you are aware of incorrect information, please contact ECBE; depending on the case, select one of the following: option 08: "I want to update/remove information about a member", option 09: "I want to update/remove my personal information" or option 02: "I want to report an error on the website". We will then immediately make the necessary corrections.

Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performances and broadcasting are prohibited.
All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reserved.

More information can be found on the Privacy and GDPR page.
If you prefer to read a flat text, please follow this link or download this document:

Privacy and GDPR Policy